Training your horse should be done by an experienced and knowledgeable individual, in order for the training to be effective. Training equipment will help you immensely when you are training your horse, and we think you should always have them on hand when your horse needs to burn some energy too!
For example, the Kincade lunging training aid is a basic form of training that helps the horse understand which direction the trainer is asking them to go in. Lunging is also a great way for your horse to burn off some energy, without having to have a rider on their back.
Another piece of training equipment we have in our collection is the Lunge cavesson, which discourages your horse from tilting their head. This piece of equipment helps your horse to take proper flexion and bending.
Each piece of equipment in our collection was made with a specific training process in mind, so we advise that you are aware of the purpose before your purchase.
Made from high-quality material and crafted to a high-standard each item you see in our training equipment collection was made to be durable, which means it will hopefully last a long duration of time.
Each piece of equipment has also been created with the comfort of your horse in mind, as training is meant to show your horse the rules by showing them, not through demand.